Here to Help
In this section, we have compiled some of the frequently asked questions that we’ve received. If there’s something that we missed, please reach out and a member of our staff will get in touch with you.
Is there a religious aspect to the Curriculum?
While St Catherines' Montessori is located within the hall of the St Catherine's Anglican Ministry at Middle Park, there is no religious aspect to the Home Education Support Program. Should students show interest in exploring a study of religion, our Montessori Guides will support their interest while working collaboratively with parents, and if appropriate, the Vicar of St Catherines's Anglican Ministry.
When should I submit an expression of interest?
We accept enrolments for inclusion in our programs throughout the year and welcome your online submission of an expression of interest at any time. Once an expression of interest is received, one of the St Catherines' Montessori staff will be in touch.
Is there flexibility around attendance?
Yes, due to the nature of the St Catherines' Montessori Home Education Support Program, we have the ability to be flexible around attendance. We do ask, that you advise us if your child needs to miss a day which they would usually attend, or if they need to arrive during the morning work cycle, or leave prior to the end of day. We recognise that many of our families have appointments which need to be attended, or have the opportunity to share extended home education experiences with their children. We will always be accepting and respectful of every family's individual circumstances and support opportunities beyond the St Catherines' classroom which arise for our learners.